2025 Spring Regional Championship ~ April 25-27

Join us for a weekend of fun and competition in Rochester, Minnesota for the Region 3 Spring 2025 Championship!

Our regional championships are always a fun and inspiring event! Come to meet old and new friends and enjoy the camaraderie of our WTSDA and Region 3 family.

Registration is now open! Register now. Registration will close April 4th, 11:59pm CST

Where When Event
  April 25th Black Belt Test
Rochester Regional Sports Center
851 College Pkwy SE, Rochester, MN
April 26th Competition & Afterparty
  April 27th Training Clinic

Location Details

Black Belt Test / Tournament /Training Clinic

Rochester Community and Technical College Sports Center
851 30th Ave SE, Rochester, MN 55904

Parking is available in the North Lot on the East side of the sports center building.

Event Hotel Block Reservation Information

We have reserved a block of 40 rooms for the event participants at a hotel in Rochester.

Best Western Rochester Hotel Mayo Clinic Area/St. Mary's
1517 16th St SW, Rochester, MN 55902

Standard Double Queen: $119/night + tax

To reserve a hotel room at this rate please use https://www.bestwestern.com/en_US/book/hotel-rooms.24148.html?groupId=Q78HJ8H0 or call (507)289-8866 and mention our group "WTSDA Region 3".

Book your room before Midnight, March 28th to take advantage of this rate.

Included amenities: free breakfast, indoor pool with hot tub and waterslide, large parking lot, in-room refrigerators and microwaves, and free Wi-Fi.

This hotel is within a 15-minute drive of the event center and has many nearby food options.

Event Schedule

Black Belt Test: Friday, April 25th
5:30 pm Doors Open
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Warm-up
6:30 pm - Finish Physical Pre-Test/Test


Tournament: Saturday, April 26th
8:00 am Doors Open - Check-in Begins
8:30 am Judges Meeting
9:00 am Dan (Black Belt) Competition
11:00 am Opening Ceremonies
12:00 pm Scholarship Fundraiser
12:15 pm Creativity (Demo Team) Competition
12:45 pm Gup (Color Belt) Competition
2:45 pm or sooner Closing Ceremonies Starting as soon as Gup (Color Belt) Competition ends
3:40 pm or sooner Specialty Competition Starting as soon as Gup (Color Belt) Competition ends
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Tournament Afterparty


Training Clinic: Sunday, April 27th
7:45 am Doors Open - Check-in Begins
8:00 am - 8:50 am Ki-Gong and Judging Testing
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Training Clinic

Traditional Competition Categories

All competitors will be automatically registered for sparring and open-hand forms. All Brown Belts and above will also be registered for weapon forms.

Participation in any of the competition categories is not required. To opt out of a category, competitors should inform their division's judges when they report to the ring.

Competition Cost

Youth Discount

Kids (ages 7 and under) receive a $10 discount for competition registration.
Youth (ages 8 through 17) receive a $5 discount for competition registration.

Early Registration Discount

Register by midnight on March 7th for a $10 discount for competition registration.

Age Group Early Registration Registration after March 7th
Ages 7 and under $55 $45 $65 $55
Ages 8 through 17 $55 $50 $65 $60
Ages 18 and above $55 $65

Specialty Competition Categories

Three specialty competition categories will be offered at this championship.

  • Breaking
  • Creative Forms
  • Team Sparring

Specialty divisions will begin after closing ceremonies.

The divisions for the breaking and creative forms categories will compete simultaneously.
At this event, competitors can only register for one of these two categories.

The team sparring divisions will compete after the breaking and creative forms divisions have been completed. Competitors can register for team sparring even if they are competing in the breaking or creative forms category.

All specialty competition categories will be divided into divisions based on age, rank, and gender*.

Age Rank Gender*
< 18 Gup Students Female
18 - 34 Black Belts Male
> 34  

* only team sparring divisions will be divided by gender

Additional divisions may be created if necessary to accommodate ring size or significant age or rank differences within the above groups.

Each specialty competition category has specific age and rank requirements as defined below in each category description.

Competition Schedule

Specialty divisions will begin after closing ceremonies.

Breaking Competition Description

Demonstrate your technique and skill by competing in board breaking in this competition category.

This competition category is open to competitors of all ranks who are ages 8 and above.

This competition will be following the WTSDA 2022 championship guidelines for breaking competitions.

Performance Scoring Criteria:

  • Boards and board holders will be provided for you at the competition
    • Kids under 10 will break 6" boards
    • Minors ages 10 through 17 will break 8" boards
    • Adults (18 and older) will break 10" boards
  • Scores are based on three factors
    • How the breaks are set up (presentation)
    • The level of difficulty of the breaks performed (the first item in the pair is rated more difficult)
      • Speed break vs. power break
      • Multiple boards vs. single boards
      • Unspaced boards vs. boards with spacers between them
      • Spinning techniques vs. basic techniques
      • Jumping spinning techniques vs. spinning techniques
    • Contestant's Attitude/Demeanor

Competitors can pick what techniques they will use for their techniques with two exceptions:

  • No head breaks for all competitors
  • No open hand strikes for competitors under 18 years old

Competitors will be given a number of boards to break. They can pick how they would like to present those breaks to the judges

  • Gup students can break 1, 2, or 3 boards. They can do single-board breaks or 2 board breaks
  • Dan students can break 1, 2, 3, or 4 boards. They can do single-board breaks or multi-board breaks

Competitors are expected to perform with proper attitude/demeanor.

  • Poor sportsmanship, losing spirit in the case of failure, or excessive celebration are subject to minor score deductions according to the assessment of the division's judges

Competitors may only register for and compete in either the Breaking or the Creative Forms specialty competition categories, not both.

Creative Forms Competition Description

Demonstrate your creativity and special skills by competing in creative forms in this competition category.

This competition category is open to competitors of all ranks who are ages 8 and above.

Forms created for this competition may be either open-hand forms or weapon forms.

  • Forms should fit completely within the minimum ring size: 15' x 15'
  • Forms should be between 30 and 90 seconds in duration
  • Weapons should be traditional martial arts weapons
    • Exceptions should be requested by the competitor's chief instructor, directed to the event host (seanhansen049289@gmail.com), and approved by the judging committee
  • All metal weapons must be dull-edged

This competition will follow traditional performance scoring guidelines with two additions.

Performance Scoring Criteria:

  • Understanding of form
  • Skill of form execution
  • Degree of perfection, according to individual's age and physical condition
  • Degree of difficulty in performing form
  • Contestants attitude
  • Rhythm and feeling put into form
  • Speed and coordination of techniques
  • Balance, power, and focus
  • additional: Duration of form
    • Forms should be between 30 and 90 seconds in duration. Forms longer than this time are subject to minor score deductions according to the assessment of the division's judges
  • additional: Variety of techniques and pattern
    • Forms with a greater variety of techniques and variety in pattern from traditional forms are subject to minor score increases according to the assessment of the division's judges

Team Sparring Competition Description

Demonstrate your sparring skills with your friends and classmates by competing in team sparring in this competition category.

This competition category is open to all competitors except Tiny Tigers and Little Dragons.

Team sparring is a set of no-contact sparring matches between teams, each consisting of 3 members, who compete in rounds of 3 1v1 sparring matches. Points earned in each of the 3 matches are added together to determine which team wins the round. The teams in a division will compete in this manner in a traditional single-elimination bracket to determine a winning team.

This competition will follow the WTSDA 2022 championship guidelines for team sparring competitions.

Competition Guidelines:

  • Teams will consist of three members
    • Competitors should identify their teammates by name at registration in the field provided
    • All team members must be registered for this championship and for this team sparring competition
    • All team members must be within the same age, gender, and rank groups as defined in the table below
    Age Rank Gender
    < 18 Gup Female
    18 - 34 Dan Male
    > 34  
  • Examples:
    • Dans cannot compete in the same division or team as Gups
    • Youth (< 18) cannot compete in the same division or team as adults (18 - 34) or seniors (> 34)
    • Female competitors cannot compete in the same division as male competitors
  • Incomplete teams cannot compete. Registration fee compensation cannot be provided
  • If you want to register but do not have enough teammates or are missing a teammate at the competition, the judges and competition staff will try to find teammates for you at the event
  • Each team will designate the order in which its team members will compete and will communicate that order to the ring officials before the division begins
  • Judges will follow the rules for traditional sparring competitions including points, penalties, and bye-outs with these exceptions:
    • Penalties will not carry over between matches
    • Unlimited points may be scored in a match
    • Matches will be 1.5 minutes long

Tournament Afterparty

Please join us for a fun time with your friends, family, and ringmates. Saturday evening, we will be getting together for a tournament afterparty.

The afterparty will be at the RCTC Fieldhouse from 7:30 to 9:30 pm.

There will be games, ice cream, and snacks to enjoy. Diary-free and gluten-free options will be available.

This event is free of charge to all competitors and spectators. Registration is not required, but it will help us estimate the number of attendees.

Training Clinic

Sunday morning we will have a training clinic that all competitors are invited to. At this clinic, we will have a variety of opportunities for everyone to learn new skills.

We will offer a Ki-gong session, judging certification testing, and three sessions of special training classes with the masters and instructors of Region 3.

Tiny Tigers and Little Dragons will have a fun morning with almost three hours of mini-training sessions and activities with Region 3 black belts.

Training Clinic Schedule

7:45 am Check-in Opens
8:00 am Ki-Gong
8:00 am Judging Testing
9:00 am Clinic Begins
12:00 pm Clinic Ends

Venue Rules

No alcoholic beverages or tobacco products are allowed in Rochester Regional Sports Center (RRSC) or anywhere on RCTC Campus grounds.